
Dr. Emil Kucera Translation Service

Serving the science community since 1969


    Here are some representative titles  selected to demonstrate the variety and scope of our past assignments.


    Note: Currently, only selected biological papers are accepted for translations from Russian


Results of radiation studies using a semiconductor detector on board the MIR space station. Scientific studies on board the 1992 biosatellite. For Canadian Space Agency / Secretary of State, Ottawa. 1990-91. 7,100 words.

Taxonomy of Argali sheep. Several scientific papers by various authors. For US Fish and Wildlife Service, Burlingame, CA U.S.A. 1988-1990 30,000 words.

Effects of forest edge on the yield of grain crops. For Agriculture Canada /Secretary of State. Ottawa. 1985. 1,200 words.

Maximum allowable concentrations of workplace air contaminants in the USSR and in other countries. For CCOHS, Hamilton / Secretary of State, Ottawa. 1984. 9,900 words.

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