Here are some representative titles selected to demonstrate the variety and scope of our past assignments.
GERMAN TO ENGLISH 2016-2023, 40 projects, >70,000 words, mainly medical and pharmaceutical subjects, incl. Ethics Committee materials.
2014-2015, more than 100 projects, ~100,000 words, focused on medical-pharmaceutical subjects
Brucher, H. 1989. Bone Marrow Diagnosis in Clinical Practice. For The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press. 254 pages, index, bibliography. 100,000 words.
Guide for Veterinarians: Compendium of articles on treatment of worm parasites in horses. Editing and review. 2014, ~17,000 words. For another agency.
Pharmaceutical industry materials - SPC’s, questionnaires, Informed Consent. 2013-2014, for several agencies. More than 10,000 words
Drug registration data sheets, product labels, medical reports and discharge reports, assorted certificates. Various clients. 2012-13. More than 30,000 words.
Neuropsychological Assessment Tests. Test forms and introductory/reference material. Reviews and back-translations. For another Canadian translation agency. 2011. More than 70,000 words.
Drug Registration Data Sheets - Bayer ScheringPharma Lunafem, Climodien and others. For a German translation agency. 2009-10. ~10,000 words.
Weizman, D. The fishes and I. [Die Fische und ich]. 2011. 3,000 words. For a German translation agency.
In progress: Schulze, M. Around the world with two horses [Mit zwei Pferden um die Welt]. 2001. Eigenverlag. Geisenheim, Germany. 330,000 words.
Voth, I. 1988. Social behavior of New Guinea Dingos (Canis lupus f. familiaris). Inaugural Dissertation, University of Munich. For I.L. Brisbin, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory. 1994-95. 40,000 words
Kuhn-Schneider, E., and H. Rieber. 1986. Handbook of Paleozoology. For The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press. 394 pages, index, bibliography. 80,000 words.
Attending Physician's report - Infarction of the posterior wall. For M.K., Winnipeg. 1986. 750 words.
Central control device INT 800 (TM) for greenhouses. For Conviron, Winnipeg. 1983. 4,600 words. CZECH TO GERMAN Kucera, E. 1970. Uber den Aktionsraum der Gelbhalsmaus, Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior,1834) in Zentralbohmen. (Home range of the yellow-necked field mouse in Central Bohemia) Saugetierkundliche Mitteilungen 18(1): 1-6. 2,500 words. ENGLISH TO GERMAN CPM 3000 Mikroprocessor-Steuerungssysteme. (CPM 3000-microprocessor based control systems.) Convironews. For Conviron, Winnipeg. 1983. 300 words. |