On November 4, in 1936, Lydia Emelie Gruchy became the first woman minister ordained by the United Church of Canada and thefirst ever woman ordained minister in Canada.50 years later, St Andrews Theological College graduated another female minister, Patricia (Pat) Wotton. Next to her ministry duties, Pat's fascination with her first predecessor led to the writing of Lydia Gruchy's biography.This website was established to popularize the resulting book, - With Love, Lydia -in order to celebrate Lydia Gruchy's life, her accomplishments, and her memory. The story of the life and ministry of Lydia Emelie Gruchy is a microcosm of the larger story played out in world history, in Canadian culture, in the church, in women's lives, and in theology. It encompasses the wave of immigration looking for a new world and a future for the children; the terrible sacrifice and cost of two World Wars felt first-hand; the daily hardship of the Depression Years on the prairies; the pioneering of new prairie towns - their hard years and their heydays - sometimes one and the same. Her ministry saw the birth of the United Church, and spanned the one-room school house to United Church House in Toronto, and variations in between. It began with a horse and buggy, moved through a Model A Ford (the envy of every man and boy in Wakaw, Saskatchewan in the late 1920s) to a sporty bright red Corvair. Her generation coined the term "the Golden Years", perhaps because their earlier decades were so turbulent, hard and anguished. Reverend Gruchy's retirement was spent in relative peace in White Rock, B.C. - thirty more years of finding ways to be "useful". The story of Reverend Doctor Lydia Gruchy, first woman ordained in Canada, is an important reflection of cultural and church change over the 20th century - a story that needs to be told.